Count Bowling**Read a number and count up to 10 objects.
Count the Cats**Read a number and count up to 20 objects.
Connect Dots - 50**Order whole numbers to 50.
Skip Count**Recognize & extend patterns: 2s, 5s and 10s.
Draw by 2s and 5s**Count by 2s and 5s.
Count 10 Dominoes**Count objects and compose sums to 10.
Make 10 Solitaire**Compose 10 in different ways.
Duck Pond Add**Count on to add within 10.
+ and - Baseball**Recall add & related subtract facts within 10.
Give Directions**Move from one location to another.
Math Apples**Use + and - properties to solve and check.
+ Word Problems**Everyday math using addition to 20.
− Word Problems**Subtract within 10 in everyday math.
+ & - Problems**Add & subtract within 20 to solve problems.
Math Sentences**Combine 3 numbers to make addition & subtraction equations.
Guess How Many**Estimate then count up to 50 objects.
Place Value**Understand 2-digit numbers as tens & ones.
Equal Shares**Compare half and quarter shares of rectangles and circles.
Pick a Shape**Identify 2-dimensional shapes.
Draw by 10s**Count by 10s.
Make a Shape**Compose a shape out of 2-dimensional shapes.
Sort Shapes**Sort 2-dimensional shapes by attributes.
Graph**Concrete graphs and pictographs.
Read Graphs**Concrete graphs and pictographs.
Equality Seesaw**Manipulate 2 sets of objects to make them equal.
Make 20 Solitaire**Compose 20 in different ways.
Total 12 Dominoes**Add 4 numbers to make 12.
Math Pictures**Add & subtract within 20
Addition Baseball**Recall addition facts for numbers up to 10
Make a Plan**Code to drive from one location to another
Order by Length**Compare and order 3 objects by length.
Food Shop**Identify and compare coins to pay.
Add Equation**Make true addition equations.